FLINT, Michigan — On a sweltering Tuesday morning, 2nd Ward residents gathered at Flint’s North Police Mini Station on the corner of Bishop and MLK Blvd to learn about mental health awareness month, ask questions to circuit court judicial candidates, and engage in debates about housing practices.
With new furniture and refreshments provided by The Flint Registry, residents at the community-driven event voiced their concerns while learning about resources and new developments across Flint. Presenters from notable local organizations such as the Genesee County Land Bank and The Flint Registry were in attendance to listen and learn from the Sarvis Park community members.
The monthly event titled 'Community Conversations' happens every third Tuesday and is led by 2nd Ward Councilwoman Dr. Ladel Lewis who also serves as President of the Sarvis Park Neighborhood Association.
Flint ReCAST and REACH
Doron Pratt of the Greater Flint Health Coalition was present to discuss an upcoming screening of Calvin Ray’s film,
Listen To The…Silence (on July 22) at The McCree Theater on Clio Rd. The free film event highlights mental health awareness month with an emphasis on BIPOC (Black, Indigenous & People of Color), and will give the audience a chance to engage in a live Q&A with the director and cast.
Sponsors for the event include Flint
ReCAST, a program that promotes resilience and equity through violence prevention and youth engagement, and
REACH whose mission is to improve wellness and access to healthy foods and resources for Black and Brown families. To attend the screening of
Listen To The...Silence,
register here.
Flint 7th Circuit Court Judicial Candidates
Spilling over from a 2nd Ward Candidate Meet & Greet Forum held last Thursday, 7th Circuit Court Judicial Candidates Rebecca Jurva-Brinn, Dawn Weier, and Mary Hood Esq. spoke to residents about their respective runs.
A table of 2nd Ward residents during July's Community Conversations event.
Jurva-Brinn and Weier reflected on their time in law, what inspired them to become lawyers, and their aspirations to become judges. Hood spoke about her childhood, growing up on Stockdale Street in Flint, and gave listeners a sneak peek into her current role in Flint.
Genesee County Land Bank
A passionate conversation awaited Michael Freeman, Executive Director of the Genesee County Land Bank, as he gave a presentation about new programs the Bank has in store and how it's planning to tackle blight around the city.
According to Freeman, the Land Bank is raising a total of $45 million to combat blighted properties that the Land Bank currently owns.
With this new information presented, disgruntled residents shared their stories of dealing with the organization and offered ideas and suggestions to assist Flint families in purchasing homes.
Freeman advised those in attendance to reach out and let him know their concerns and what’s happening in the community. To learn more about the Genesee County Land Bank and to contact Michael Freeman, visit:
The Flint Registry
A passionate exchange of ideas and experiences set the tone between residents and the Land Bank.
The Flint Registry presented the resources dedicated to Flint residents impacted by the Water Crisis. The registry is based in Flint and led by Mona Hanna-Attisha, M.D., M.P.H., Director of the MSU-Hurley Children’s Hospital Pediatric Public Health Initiative.
The initiative is for anyone who was exposed to lead-contaminated water between April 25, 2014, and October 15, 2015, within the city and includes children who may have been exposed during pregnancy.
Residents were encouraged to visit the registry's website, fill out the survey, and connect to benefits that include Medicaid, food assistance, child development, and lead exposure services. For more information on The Flint Registry and to sign up, visit:
The next 2nd Ward Community Conversations happens on August 16 at 9 A.M. and 5:30 P.M.
Read more from Flintside's On the Ground — Sarvis Park:
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