Need help writing grants? Marketing? 25 professional development opportunities available

Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce will host 25 professional development opportunities over the next six months to help members develop their skills in communications, financial planning, grant writing, leadership development, marketing, and sales.

“Whether you’re new to your job or are a seasoned professional, it’s important to set aside time for professional development,” said Steven Elkins, director of member services and business training at the Flint & Genesee Chamber. “It’s a great way to increase your knowledge, sharpen your skills and stay at the forefront of your industry.”

The chamber will partner with local, regional and national professionals to offer the workshops.

Facilitators of the workshops represent Michigan-based public relations agencies, universities and business consulting firms including Dan Handley, president and CEO of Dale Carnegie Training, who will bring three Dale Carnegie Trainings to Genesee County this year.

The chamber also is working with the Crim Fitness Foundation to host Search Inside Yourself Leadership training Oct. 22-23 focusing on mindful leadership and emotional intelligence.

For more information, or to browse the full list of training opportunities, visit
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